You have up to 100 days to return an item. As long as the item has been unused, we are happy to offer refunds.
For all UK, USA, Canada, Australia, & Mainland Europe returns please use the self service portal, which you can reach through the links below dependant on your region.
For All USA, UK, Canada, Australia, & Mainland Europe Returns Use This Portal |
Make A Return |
Once we receive the returned items at DFYNE Returns Warehouse, we will be able to process a refund within 5 working days, and will send you confirmation for the refund.
Please make sure to fill out the returns form your order came with, to allow us to process your refund swiftly. Please contact us if you have any issues and we will resolve it right away.
Please note all returns are free, and a refund will be issued once we have received the item(s) and processed them.